Quality rating0–5
Year oldsBarista Service
For parents
Charlestown centre
Our brand new centre is now open in the heart of Charlestown. This centre boasts a hidden rainforest yard where children can adventure through the trees and along the creek, and purpose built facilities designed to be a place that children love to come to throughout the week.
- 0 - 2 years $160 per day
- 2 - 3 years$155 per day
- 3 - 5 years$150 per day

When is the Charlestown Centre Opening?
We opened on Friday 9th of September 2022.
How do I enrol my child?
To be added to our waiting list, please complete an application form HERE. We will contact you if we have are able to confirm a position is/will be available for the requested start date.
Please note that our waiting list feeds into the Darling St, Chatham St, Pelican, Marks Point and Charlestown centres and places are offered based on availability. When a place becomes available for your child, you will be contacted with an offer of enrolment.
Can I book a tour?
You are welcome to visit the centre during opening hours; our Parent Liaison, Early Childhood Teachers and Educators, would love to show you around and chat about what we may be able to offer you and your child.
How do I get the Child Care Subsidy?
The Child Care Subsidy is a payment made by the government to help families cover childcare fees. We recommend visiting Centrelink to find out more on Child Care Subsidy and how you can apply to reduce your child’s daily fees. You can find out more by clicking HERE.
Approved Service Providers are governed by National Law and National Regulation standards and you can view this link for more information www.acecqa.gov.au/nqf/national-law-regulations
Will I need to provide lunch for my child at The Rumpus Room?
Yes, the Rumpus Room is a lunchbox centre. We encourage parents to provide a variety of healthy foods for their lunches each day to supplement morning and afternoon tea, which is provided by the centre. We aim to provide a serve of fruit and vegetables for every child each day, sometimes even from our own garden! In providing fruit and vegetables to the children each day, we are helping them to develop a foundation for future healthy eating.
We ask parents to join along with healthy snacks, sandwiches, and easy to eat meals that can be enjoyed by children while eating with their peers.
Each room has a different approach to mealtimes, and we encourage families to reach out to discuss how to best support their children as they transition into care and from room to room.
Where can I find the centre’s policies?
All policies for The Rumpus Room Charlestown Centre are available to view and download HERE. If you have any questions about our policies, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your centre.
Statement of Commitment to Child Safety
The Rumpus Room is committed to providing a child safe environment. The safety and protection of children is our highest priority and we have zero tolerance for any abuse or maltreatment of children.
We recognise the importance of our role in a child’s life, to respond, record and report incidents, disclosures or suspicions regarding child abuse or misconduct.
We are committed to ensuring that children’s voices are heard and that they are included in decisions that affect their lives. We recognise their right to privacy with regards to their care and communication.
We are committed to the cultural safety of all children including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children with a disability.
We value diversity and will not tolerate discriminatory practices. We believe every child is created in the image of God for a purpose and is of great value.
Our Educators

Beccy Newbold
Director & Nominated Supervisor

Leanne Ryan
Parent Liaison & Admin

Alana Smith
Early Childhood Teacher - Educational Leader

Tamara Kerr
Early Childhood Teacher

Stevie Lee McBain Smith
Diploma Trained Educator

Molly Daly
Diploma trained educator

Nikita Holmes
Diploma trained educator

Courtney Bruce
Certificate III in Early Childhood Care & Education

Alexandra Haywood
Certificate III in Early Childhood Care & Education

Amy Bruce
Diploma Trained Educator

Breanna Power
Diploma Trained Educator - Outdoor Educator

Victoria Stafford
Diploma Trained Educator

Vanessa Valencia

Charlie McBain Smith
Certificate III in Early Childhood Care & Education

Hayley Lott
Diploma Trained Educator

Natasha Morris
Certificate III in Early Childhood Care & Education

Rebekah Moran
Certificate III in Early Childhood Care & Education

Sorcha Quirke
Diploma Trained Educator

Katy Humphrey
Diploma Trained Educator

Remy Carroll
Certificate III in Early Childhood Care & Education

Josie Hainsworth